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What is general insurance?

General insurance is the insurance of assets, financial assets included. If, due to a contingency which is covered under the plan, there is an economic loss, the loss is compensated by general insurance policies.

Top advantages of general insurance plans

  • The plans cover financial losses and compensate you for the losses that you suffer. As such, general insurance plans provide you financial security even in the case of contingencies

  • In some cases, general insurance plans are mandatory by law. For instance, motor insurance plans are mandatory as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Similarly, if you are travelling to Schengen countries, you mandatorily need a valid overseas health insurance plan. When you buy such mandated plans, you fulfil the legal obligation and save yourself from violation offence

  • General insurance plans help in protecting your savings in emergency situations. You can, therefore, use your savings to fulfil your financial goals.