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I Feel Proud that Today Honour by Senior Divisional Manager LIC Surat Division for Become Crorepati Premium Agent & Honour with Achievers Trophy with the Presence of Marketing Manager LIC Surat Division Branch Manager & ABM Sales LIC Udhna Branch Thank you All My Policy Holders and Lic Family Members ❤️

Very much excited to share one More Appriciation for Achieving *MDRT, USA ( Million Doller Round Table, America.) I am fortunate enough to honoured Yesterday on 06/06/2022 by Regional Marketing Manager Ms. Arvinder Sidhu , Senior Division Manager SP Shail, my Guru Dipak Shah, Marketing Manager Himanshu Patel, Senior Branch Manager Dipakbhai Dabhi. Thanks to all my policy holders, my Team

Recieved Appreciation Award " Vijay Ratna Puraskar " on 05/06/2022 Sunday by the Hand of Padma Shree Mathurbhai Savani, Chairman of Kiran Hospital,Surat with Presence of SDM Shree S P Shail, MM Shree Himanshu Patel, Manager Sales Shree Sailesh Kolawala Lic Division Surat and Other Dignitaries of Lic Surat Agent Association.

Recieved Appreciation Award For Champion Trophy on Special Day 26th January 2023 in Presence of Senior Divisional Manager, Marketing Manager, Manager Sales of LIC Surat Division and Assistant Branch manager of Udhna Branch, Surat.

Certificate Of Appreciation

Received one more Achiever trophy for Crorepati Premium and Double MDRT from our Beloved LIC Development Officer Shri Dipak Shah and Asst.Branch Manager Girishji Yesterday in Hotel Sarvottam in Presence of Family. Thanks to all my Lic Family, Friends and my team Abhishek Consultancy.

Certificate Of Appreciation